Prospect Training Course

Prospect Training Course


All prospective members of the Ta-Seti Nation MUST complete the  6-month Prospect Training Course and the 4-day in person Training Encampment BEFORE they can be accepted into the Ta-Seti Nation as a Full Member.

  1. The PTC is designed to introduce prospective members (Cadets) to the fundamental principles, values, and structure of the Ta-Seti Nation.
  2. The PTC offers 2 classes per year starting in February and in August.
    1. Enrollment begins in November for Cadets to start training in February.
    2. Enrollment begins in May for Cadets to start training in August.
  3. Cadets train in five (5) online Tours of Duty for competency in organizational values, community engagement, the honor code, the code of conduct, and essential service skills to understand the function of the Ta-Seti Nation as a national patched leather organization for BIPoCs.
  4. Cadet attend an in-person 4-day (Thursday - Monday) Training Encampment that is designed to provide Cadets with opportunities to engage in hands-on assignments in Small Team Operations in preparation to serve within the Ta-Seti Nation in either of our two membership sectors:
    1. Medjay (hierarchical military style).
    2. Nubia (hierarchical non-military style).

Course Structure:

1. Tour of Duty (Monthly)

  1. Classroom Schedule: First and third Saturday of each month.
  2. Classroom Duration: 90 minutes each.
  3. Classroom Format: Online classes.
  4. Tour of Duty Activities: Weekly lessons comprising individual assignments.
  5. Tour of Duty Evaluation:
    1. Completion of individual weekly assignments and assessments.
    2. Completion of Tour of Duty assessment quiz.

2. Training Encampment (In-Person)

  1. Schedule: During the 6th month.
  2. Duration: 4 days at designated training facility.
  3. Classroom Format: in person classes and activities.
  4. Training Encampment Activities: Individual and group assignments.
    1. Completion of individual and group assignments.
    2. Final Exam.
  5. Graduation Ceremony.

Tours of Duty and Learning Outcomes

1. Tour of Duty I (August/February):
Foundations of Ta-Seti Nation

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understand the vision and mission of Ta-Seti Nation.
  2. Identify the key values and principles that guide the organization.
  3. Differentiate between the Medjay and Nubia sectors.
  4. Recognize the role of loyalty, duty, and honor in member responsibilities.
  5. Outline the structure and leadership hierarchy within Ta-Seti Nation.
  6. Comprehend the importance of commitment to the community.

2. Tour of Duty II (September/March):
Organizational Values and Code of Conduct

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Define the core values: integrity, respect, personal courage, honesty, and perseverance.
  2. Apply the Ta-Seti Nation Honor Code in various scenarios.
  3. Understand the Code of Conduct and its application in community activities.
  4. Discuss the significance of ethical behavior within the organization.
  5. Explore the expectations for conduct in both online and offline interactions.
  6. Develop a personal commitment to uphold the organization’s standards.

3. Tour of Duty III (October/April):
Leadership and Community Engagement

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Explore the qualities of effective leaders within Ta-Seti Nation.
  2. Understand the roles and responsibilities of Medjay and Nubia leaders.
  3. Learn the fundamental principles and strategies for Small Unit Management.
  4. Discuss the importance of service leadership and community involvement.
  5. Develop skills for leading, organizing, and serving community events.
  6. Plan personal contributions to Ta-Seti Nation’s community initiatives.

4. Tour of Duty IV (November/May):
Service Skills and Practical Applications

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Identify the essential service skills relevant to the Medjay or Nubia sectors.
  2. Practice communication and conflict resolution techniques.
  3. Understand the theoretical principles of basic first aid and safety protocols.
  4. Understand the logistics and planning of community service projects.
  5. Develop teamwork and collaborative skills.
  6. Apply learned skills in simulated scenarios.

5. Tour of Duty V (December/June):
Integration and Preparation for Full Membership

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Review key concepts and skills learned in previous Tours of Duty.
  2. Understand the process and expectations for becoming a Full Member.
  3. Reflect on personal growth and readiness for membership.
  4. Develop a personal action plan for active participation in Ta-Seti Nation.
  5. Participate in peer discussions and feedback sessions.
  6. Begin preparing for the in-person Training Encampment.

6. Training Encampment (January/July)


To solidify knowledge and skills acquired during the online Tours of Duty through practical applications of Small Unit Management of community service projects.


  1. Hands-on leadership exercises.
  2. Team-building activities.
  3. Community service projects.
  4. Final assessment and evaluation.
  5. Graduation Ceremony

Completion Requirement: 

All prospective members must complete the five Tours of Duty and the Training Encampment to be eligible for Full Member status in Ta-Seti Nation.

This comprehensive training course ensures that all prospective members are well-equipped to contribute positively and uphold the standards of Ta-Seti Nation.

Full Member Benefits


  1. Vote at the annual National Convention
  2. Eligible for election/appointment to the National Council
  3. Receive leather vest with Ta-Seti Patch w/Nubia Rocker
  4. Authorized to wear Ta-Seti logo polo shirt and swag.
  5. Attend Ta-Seti member-exclusive in-person and virtual events


  1. Vote at the annual National Convention
  2. Eligible for election/appointment to the National Council
  3. Receive leather vest with Ta-Seti Patch w/Medjay Rocker
  4. Authorized to wear Ta-Seti logo polo shirt and swag.
  5. Attend Ta-Seti member-exclusive in-person and virtual events
  6. Assigned to the Joint Forces of Ta-Seti Nation
  7. Assigned a military rank
    1. Noncommissioned Officer starting at Sergeant - submissives and slavesΩ
    2. Warrant Officer starting at Warrant Officer 1 - SwitchesΩ
    3. Commissioned Officer starting at Second Lieutenant - DominantsβΩ

βHeads of Houses that have been established for at least five (5) years, may be appointed to the rank of Major (honorary) and be eligible for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel after completing the Leather Leadership Advance Training course and its prerequisites.

ΩCovered Masters, Covered Switches, and Covered Slaves may be appointed to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Chief Warrant Officer 5, and Senior Sergeant Major respectively, and be eligible for promotion to Senior Field ranks after completing the Leather Leadership Mastery Training course and its prerequisites.

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