Community Incident Reporting System

Community Incident Reporting System

This Community Incident Reporting System (the "CIRS" )is in place for Members of the Ta-Seti Nation, and individuals, groups, and businesses involved in the BDSM and Leather Culture communities to report alleged and verifiable actions of Members of the Ta-Seti Nation when they violate the Ta-Seti Nation's Code of Conduct or Honor Code, commit breach of policy or regulations. Such reports must be made with the good faith desire for an amicable resolution under the Uniform Code of Community Justice Policy (the "UCCJP") of the Ta-Seti Nation.

The National Council of the Ta-Seti Nation created the UCCJP as it aims to provide a pathway to all available resolutions to our members and those individuals, groups, and businesses, who have interacted with our members.

Please note that Ta-Seti Nation DOES NOT address issues of sexual assault, intimate partner violence, or any other forms of violence. Such matters should be reported to the law enforcement authorities within your jurisdiction and we strongly advocate that social media platforms should not be the place to file any such complaints.



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